Midwest Industrial Coatings, Inc.

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Post By: gran

Do Boats in Minnesota Lakes need Anti-Fouling Bottom Paint?

As Minnesota boaters, you know about the importance of protecting your boat’s hull against the growth of organisms as well as potential damage from direct contact with the water. The application of a high quality anti-fouling bottom paint provides the essential protection that will help ensure your boat lasts for years to come. Why use […]

It’s Time for the Annual Iron Dog Snowmobile Race!

Snowmobiles – yep, we cover those too. And they are just days away from covering most of Alaska, in an event called the Iron Dog Race, a nearly insane endurance race that spans 2,031 miles of remote and rugged terrain.  Racers begin in Anchorage, cross west to Nome and then back to Fairbanks.  Along the […]

Comedians and Cars

If you follow us on Google Plus, you may have noticed a link recently that lets you tour Jay Leno’s garage and extensive personal car collection (he has over 200 in his possession).  It turns out, Jay isn’t the only well known semi-retired comedian with a passion for automobiles.  In fact, his friend Jerry Seinfeld is every […]

Corrosion, Paint and Technology

For many, paint might seem like an aesthetic element of a vehicle – like the icing on a cake, or a necktie for an outfit; adding style to the overall picture, but not much else. We in the industrial coatings industry know better. For us, paint is one of the few elements – like proper […]

New Ad for Chemical Coaters Newsletter

Here is our latest ad for the fall issue of the Chemical Coaters Newsletter, Twin Cities Chapter. The Chemical Coaters Association International is a technical and professional organization that provides information and training on surface coating technologies.

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