Midwest Industrial Coatings, Inc.

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Post By: JJ Johnson

5 Tips for Painting a Boat

Painting a boat hull sounds simple enough. Here’s the catch: it isn’t. Paint for boats is a specific breed (you’re going to want an antifouling coating) and the prep work for getting a smooth and lasting application is imperative. Hiring a professional is your best bet when it comes to freshening your boat’s paint job, […]

Protect your Investments with Equipment Coatings

Agricultural equipment is an expensive but necessary investment in order to properly and efficiently run any type of farm. From livestock to crops and beyond, various equipment is used and abused in a functioning agricultural setting. While these investments are worthwhile, they’re also costly. Because of their valuable nature, it’s imperative to use an agricultural […]

The Future of Paint Coatings: Autonomous Vehicles

Technology speeds along at a breakneck pace.  The internet was invented a relatively short time ago, and it’s now infiltrated every aspect of modern life.  We fact check, communicate, and use it for leisure from the palm of our hand or even the flick of a wrist.  When technology burgeons in one place, it’s sure […]

Powder Coating Companies: Environmental Impact

The process of powder coating a surface to beautify, protect, and ensure it’s longevity is an excellent alternative to various coating and painting methods.  Powder coating is durable, versatile, and chemically resistant.  One of the many reasons powder coating companies thrive is that they offer an environmentally friendly method of coating numerous surfaces.  This is […]

3 Advantages of Waterborne Paint

With new legislations consistently being pumped out to protect the environment and regulate the use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), it’s no surprise that many companies are making the switch to waterborne paint rather than the traditional solvent based coatings of the past.  While solvent based paints still have their place, due to the health […]

Industrial Paint Coatings

Stay Operational You have equipment that’s vital to the success and smooth operation of your business.  Without it, you’d run into down time, revenue loss, and potential loss of clientele.  You don’t want that, and we don’t want that for you.  At Midwest Industrial Coatings, Inc., we take our service to you and the longevity […]

Paint Coating: MICI – History’s Watercraft

MICI specializes in paint coating for a variety of applications, one of the more popular applications being marine vessels. With that in mind, we thought it might be interesting to take a look at some of history’s most interesting watercraft. Harkening to ancient times, the fact that Australia was populated more than 40,000 years ago is a […]

International Marine Coatings – MICI Coatings

International Marine Coatings. Sounds interesting, right? Well, maybe not but if you’re a person who enjoys watercraft and you want to keep your boat in top condition for as long as you can (and who doesn’t?) then international marine coating is something you’ll want to look into. Ok. So what is it? Marine coatings are […]

Waterborne Protective Paint

Waterborne Protective Paint has enjoyed a popularity surge over the past few years. This is due to a variety of reasons, not least of which is the fact that these types of coatings tend to produce very low volatile organic compound (VOC). As governmental regulations have tightened with regards to VOC, waterborne protective paints have […]

A History of Paint

For more than thirty-thousand years, man has been using paint. In the earliest times, man used to paint images on cave walls. This provided us a glimpse of what their daily life was like. Some of those ancient cave paintings still exist today.  It wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution that industrial coatings became a regular feature […]

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