Midwest Industrial Coatings, Inc.

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Monthly Archives: October 2016

Paint Coating: MICI – History’s Watercraft

MICI specializes in paint coating for a variety of applications, one of the more popular applications being marine vessels. With that in mind, we thought it might be interesting to take a look at some of history’s most interesting watercraft. Harkening to ancient times, the fact that Australia was populated more than 40,000 years ago is a […]

International Marine Coatings – MICI Coatings

International Marine Coatings. Sounds interesting, right? Well, maybe not but if you’re a person who enjoys watercraft and you want to keep your boat in top condition for as long as you can (and who doesn’t?) then international marine coating is something you’ll want to look into. Ok. So what is it? Marine coatings are […]